Why Does My Honeywell Air Purifier Keep Shutting Off? Here’s Why!

If you are tired of asking yourself, why does my Honeywell air purifier keep shutting off? then trust me, we are in the same boat. My purifier has been acting up for the last few days, and there is nothing I could do about it.

But then I started asking around and researching the matter. Instead of asking for professional help, I took matters into my own hands to figure out why. And surprisingly, I found a few probable problems that can be solved pretty easily!

Once you figure out the problem, you will be able to fix it as well – so instead of waiting, go through this article and stop your purifier from making any more noises.

How Do Honeywell Air Purifiers Work?

Honeywell is a well-known brand that is popular for producing high-performance air purifiers. The purifiers get rid of airborne particles in an environment, which keeps it a lot cleaner.

The purifiers contain a fan that practically sucks in the air and two or more filters through which the air is passed. The filter performs the filtration process, which gets rid of all the pollutants in an indoor space.

The purifiers are good for those who smoke, have asthma or allergies, or have pets in their houses. However, Honeywell air purifiers require some maintenance from time to time to perform well in the long run.

Are Honeywell Air Purifiers Good?

Honeywell air purifiers are amazing – and you can get them within the price range of $50-$700! There are different types of purifiers available, which can be used for different purposes.

These air purifiers do a really good job of clearing the air and filtering out at least 99.7% of the pollutants. Moreover, they can be used in various spaces as well – your bedroom, office, living room, etc.

Honeywell has manufactured their air purifiers in such a way that they can last for a long time as well. However, it should be kept in mind that the filter should be changed every few months for the air purifier to be effective.

Why Does My Honeywell Air Purifier Keep Shutting Off?

No matter how good an air purifier is, there are always chances of some problems developing over time – and Honeywell air purifiers are no different.

If your Honeywell air purifier turns off by itself, then it is time to start looking for the answers. But no worries, you have to put no effort into that because you will find all the possible causes here.


Although Honeywell offers some very good air purifiers, you will see that eventually, they tend to lose their charm – and that is when various problems, such as overheating, may arise.

So the next time you think, “why does my Honeywell air purifier keep turning off?” and see the temperature of the purifier being higher than normal, you should keep the purifier off for as long as possible and let it cool down.

Filter Clogging

You have surely heard of the fact that the filters of air purifiers need to be changed every few months due to the lifespan and functionality of the said filters. So in case you forget to do that, the purifier might have a few ways to remind you.

One of those ways includes shutting off on its own. So if you think you haven’t replaced the filter in a while, then it could be one of the strong probable reasons for you.

Excessive Contamination

One of the reasons why my Honeywell air purifier stopped working is because I didn’t have time to keep it clean. And yes, changing the filter alone won’t help out much because the other parts of the purifier can get contaminated as well.

So if you think you haven’t cleaned the purifier in a while, or ever, then it is time to start cleaning the purifier and see if it helps. If the purifier stops shutting off on its own afterward then that was surely the reason.

Manufacturing Defects

Honeywell is a good brand, but it can’t always be perfect. And hence, there are chances of manufacturing defects occurring in some of the units. In that case, even if you maintain your purifier very well, it will turn off on its own.

So, if you find no concrete reason after asking yourself, “why does my Honeywell air purifier not turn on?” then you will have to assume it’s a manufacturing defect and take your purifier to the nearby Honeywell help centre.

End of Its Lifespan

Has your Honeywell air purifier become old? Well, if it has, then chances are it won’t perform as well anymore – and that can cause it to turn off on its own every once in a while.

There is surely no cure to the purifier becoming old and not functioning properly. In such a case, it’s just best to replace the purifier altogether instead of trying to fix it.

Final Words

After going through the list of reasons provided in this article, you are probably not wondering anymore why does my Honeywell air purifier keep shutting off?

However, if you still have doubts, since it is not possible to get a professional assessment by yourself, you can get a professional opinion from your nearby local shop or from the help center of Honeywell.

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